Sunday, March 27, 2011

What if...

What if you actually believed that God's dream for you and your dream for yourself were the same? I mean believed in it so much that you acted on it, took the first step towards achieving it.

Does having a dream and not pursuing it equate to being a poor steward of the gifts and talents that God entrusted you with?

What if you really did rely on Him for your daily bread? No savings accounts, no 401ks or IRAs. Maybe even no mortgage payment; or at least a MUCH smaller house and payment. Think about that for a second....what if you were literally broke at the end of each day, having provided for your family and used every cent of the remainder doing God's work?

What if the idea of "Go-ers" and "Senders" is just a logical way to rationalize not having to put yourself in an uncomfortable position? Maybe even take that a step further...what if "Senders" is just a politically correct way of saying, "They lacked the faith to take action."?

What if you took money out of the list of decision-making criteria? How many dreams/ideas/solutions/inventions/etc. die on the drawing board because of financial decisions? What if you were to say, "OK, here is what I'm going to do. Now how can I make it work financially?"

I'd love to know what you guys think about this, and feel free to ask more questions of your own. I'm certainly not pointing any fingers here at all, but for the most part, American Christian lives look like more polite versions of American non-Christian lives. I'm wondering if He has more for us. Thoughts?


  1. What if people read this post and didn't comment because it made them feel uncomfortable? :-p

  2. Josh, this post has stuck with me since you posted. Not sure why peeps haven't commented...maybe its too profound.

    But its something I've been dwelling over for a little while now. Could I really leave a secure and job that pays the bills to jump into ministry full time, to exhaust myself every day doing God's work?

    "...what if you were literally broke at the end of each day, having provided for your family and used every cent of the remainder doing God's work?"

    That line has got me thinking. Its scary. But aren't we supposed to be living for more than we are right now?
