Thursday, February 17, 2011

the antiblog

A few years ago I definitely ripped Catherine for starting her blog.
"Do you really think anyone is going to read it, or really even cares what is going on in our life?
Five years and 200-300 views per day later, I still maintain my rightness and that no one really cares... they just like the pictures of Carson and Mary Grace. Therefore, considering my aversion to blogging in general, I decided to create Adopted to Sonship, the antiblog. (yeah that's right, I definitely just linked to my blog, from my blog. take that.)

"Umm... Matt your antiblog is a blog. How is it any different?" I'm so glad you asked. Adopted to Sonship is an antiblog primarily because of the outright admission of the following:
  • No, we do not think anyone is actually going to read this... and that's cool.
  • No, we do not think anyone cares about what is going on in our lives... also something we're totally fine with.
"...and who exactly is this 'we' you are talking about?"

Adopted to Sonship is an ongoing dialogue between Christian brothers who have different backgrounds, personalities, denominations and even beliefs, but are unified together in our common hope and redemption that is Jesus Christ. Intending to encourage and build one another up, in both the knowledge of, and living in the Gospel, the following is our journey towards what it means to be an authentic male Christian.

Let the antiblogging begin.


  1. Welcome to not blogging. I am very interested in reading your convos. It is ok that I am here right, since I am sister and not a brother?

  2. "There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus."

    Courtney, you are more than welcome here. :)
